Ingredients for the risotto

  • 200 g Acquerello risotto rice
  • 90 g shallots
  • 15 g garlic
  • 30 ml olive oi
  • 20 g butter
  • Salt, pepper
  • 50 ml Noilly Prat
  • 600 ml bouillon
  • 40 g grated cheese
  • 50 ml cream, whipped

Preparing the risotto

Sweat the garlic and shallots in olive oil, add the rice and season with salt and pepper. Deglaze with Noilly Prat and reduce. Add the bouillon gradually and cook until creamy. Finally, add the grated cheese, cream and fried artichokes. Refine with olive oil according to taste.

Ingredients for the artichokes

  • 2 cleaned artichokes
  • 5 g garlic
  • 10 g shallots
  • Icing sugar, salt and pepper
  • 10 slices of dried tomato, chopped small
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • Fresh herbs such as basil and some citrus thyme

Preparing the artichokes

Cut the artichokes into small wedges and fry in olive oil. Salt immediately and continue to fry for around two minutes until golden yellow. Add the shallots and garlic. Season with some icing sugar, salt and pepper then add the dried tomato and balsamic vinegar. Reduce briefly and add to the risotto you have already prepared. Stir in fresh herbs, taste and season again.

Preparing the dried tomato

Blanche and quarter the tomato. Remove the seeds and lay on a plate. Sprinkle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper and cover with herbs and garlic. Leave in the sun or dry in the oven at 80°C.